Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Mr Excitement" Jackie Jocko from Coast to Coast

This Could be the Start of Something Big

Oh, yeah! Mr Excitement himself! The epitome of the master lounge singer Jackie has appeared from the Sahara in Las Vegas to Foster's Supper Club in Buffalo NY!

Sid Ascher tells us we are in for a terrific musical treat and he isn't kidding!

"Fabulous is the word for pianist-singer Jackie Jocko who with his aide-de-camp Joe Peters at the drums has wowed enthusiastic audiences from coast to coast. Jackie truly defies description because he never gives the same performance twice. But critics and his multitude of fans agree that he is truly unique and wonderful. The secret of the duo's success is simply this- they give the public what it wants in a tuneful, tasteful, delightful manner."

Pressed on the Strand label. Jackie Jocko is the master!

1 comment:

  1. Jackie Jocko? Pretty Polished Professional. Super Sahara Sign!
